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Tocinillo del Ceilo

Posted Saturday, September 18, 2004

INGREDIENTS (should serve 6)

For the dessert itself, you’ll need:

* 1½ cups of sugar

* ¾ of a cup of water

* 5 drops of lemon


To prepare the topping to the dessert you’ll need:

½ cup each of egg yolk and whole eggs and 1 tablespoon of vanilla



Tocinillo del Ceilo translates as Heaven’s Delight and when you see the content look of your guests after they have eaten this desert you’ll know why! To prepare Tocinillo del Ceilo, you’ll to put ¾ of a cup of water, 1½ cups of sugar and around 5 drops of lemon juice in a mold and boil this mixture until you get a thick syrup formed. As a benchmark, the liquid should have reduced itself to the size of around 1-cup full of remaining liquid. Let this cool down, While the liquid is cooling, take ½ a cup each of egg yolk and whole eggs and beat these so they combine. Add the syrup liquid, 1-tablespoon of vanilla and combine these well before straining them. Pour the resulting mixture into a mold that has been well bathed in caramel and cook in a double boiler at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for approximately 1 and half hours (or until you see that the center of the dessert has dried). Serve to your waiting guests.