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Cuban Bread Pudding

Posted Saturday, September 18, 2004

INGREDIENTS (should serve 4)

All of these ingredients are used in making the pudding itself, see below for ingredients needed to make the topping (which is optional)

* 2 slices of milk-soaked bread

* 1 cup of milk

* 2 eggs

* 1/3 of a cup of sugar

* ½ tablespoon of vanilla

* ¼ tablespoon of cinnamon

* 1/8 tablespoon of salt


You’ll also need the following if you are going to make the topping to this dessert

3oz cream cheese, 1 can of peaches, 1 ½ tablespoons of peach syrup, 1 morello cherry, 1/8 tablespoon nutmeg, ¼ of a cup of raisins and walnuts (each)



Popular all over the world, bread pudding is a staple traditional dessert that has a history as far back as colonial times. In order to prepare Cuban bread pudding, you’ll need to grease a 3-4 cup capacity mold with one tablespoon of butter. Then, carefully making sure you do not take the crust off, you need to cut up some bread into squares. Place the square pieces of bread in a bowl of milk to soak while you beat some eggs, sugar, vanilla, walnuts and cinnamon. Having done this, take the bowl and pour the contents into the mold. Cook at 15Ib. for no more than 15 to 20 minutes, adding one cup of water during this process. Let the mold cool down. Whilst the mold is cooling, prepare some cream cheese beaten with syrup. After you remove the mold, place these contents on top of the pudding and garnish with peaches and cherries. TIP: if you want to add a little variety to this dish, when you’re greasing the mold, add a little caramel to the butter – rich, but lovely!