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Mamey Dessert

Posted Saturday, September 18, 2004

INGREDIENTS (should serve 5)

* 1 cup of Mamey pulp

* 1 cup of sugar

* 1 stick of cinnamon

* powered cinnamon (as needed)



I’ve always like serving Mamey Dessert for 2 reasons. First, and foremost it uses Mamey pulp, which adds a real Cuban feel to your evening. Second, I just love the name! Beside this, Mamey Dessert is probable one of the easiest Cuban desserts you can prepare. All you need do is strain the Mamey pulp before measuring and mixing with sugar. After this, simply add a stick of cinnamon and cook over a medium heat. Remember to stir constantly (if possible, with a wooden spoon, rather than a metallic one) in straight lines (not circular) until you have a mixture that meets with your approval (thickness wise). Chill the mixture. Sprinkle with cinnamon shortly before serving. See, simple really!