Caserola de Camarones Enchilados

    INGREDIENTS (should serve 4)

    * 2 cups of pre-cooked and peeled shrimps

    * 2 cups of crushed canned tomatoes

    * 2 cups of cooked white rice

    * 2 tablespoons of butter

    * 1 green pepper, onion, garlic clove

    * salt and pepper to taste

    PREPARATIONThis dish is basically a shrimp casserole. To prepare, you merely need to sauté some garlic, green pepper and onion in butter to which you add shrimp. You stir in some canned tomatoes and cooked rice. Place all of this in a casserole dish and bake the contents at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for half an hour. You may also want to add some salt and pepper for taste. Then you serve when ready. An easy to do dish if you are also playing host.


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